True Quotes from Induhviduals
Go back to Brendan's Humor page.
Note: The term "In-DUH-viduals" is of
Dilbert fame...reportedly, most of these
come from managers.
- "It's an exercise in fertility."
- "Hindsight is 50-50."
- "Just use your own excretion."
- "You are never going to fail unless you try."
- "Today is like the day Rome was built in. We can't afford to have any
- "The project is going down the toilet in flames."
- "He might be barking at a red herring."
- "You're treading on thin water."
- I think he meant we should cross our T's and dot our I's but it came out
this way: "Be sure we all cross our eyes."
- "He's as deaf as a bat."
- "We don't want to stick our necks out and get our asses chopped off."
- "I gave him a real mouthful."
- "I really took the bull by the hands."
- "He doesn't know his hole from an ass in the ground."
- "You should talk to her. She is a minefield of information."
- "I can't remember but it's right on the tip of my head!"
- "You can lead a pig to pearls..." and then he trailed off.
- "Thanksgiving is early this year because the first Thursday fell on a
- "The skeleton is there. You just have to sharpen it and put the
decorations on the tree."
- "We need an escape goat."
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